Live Shot Broadcasting


Go live anywhere in the world from the comfort of our studio with experienced technicians by your side. Bluegrass Media Lab and our partner, Studio 67, is trusted by business executives, politicians, and thought leaders for appearances on the world’s largest networks including CNN, ABC News, MSNBC, FOX News. Need to go live? We get the job done.

What we can do for you

Live Shots

Go live anywhere in the world at any time from the comfort of our studio. We offer a green room, make up artists and work space available 24/7.

Remote Conferences

Don’t miss the next opportunity to speak at a conference. With our live-streaming capabilities, you’ll be able to host conferences or take part in virtual panels all from our studio.


If you are planning a live event and can’t get all of your guests together in-person, our team offers an ideal way to stream your event online. 

Book our studio

To book a live shot, call/text
(561) 889-6258 or email