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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Last Updated: August 22, 2022

This Privacy Policy describes information RunSwitch, LLC dba RunSwitch PR. (“RunSwitch PR” or “we”) may collect when you visit (the “Site”) or a direct inquiry to Bluegrass Media Lab through electronic means. This Privacy Policy discloses how RunSwitch PR stores, uses, discloses, or shares that information.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. If you do not agree, please do not access or use the Site. By accessing or using the Site, or by clicking “I agree,” you agree to this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy may change from time to time. RunSwitch PR will post the modified version at this link. Your continued use of the Site after the Privacy Policy is modified is deemed to be acceptance of those modifications.


  • Use of Site. This Privacy Policy applies to information collected when you use the Site, and in electronic communications transmitted through the Site. It does not apply to information collected offline. In addition, this Privacy Policy does not apply to information collected by any third parties, whether or not the Site includes links to the websites of those third parties.

  • Intended Audience. This Site is not intended for individuals who have not yet reached the age of majority or are under the age of 18. If you have not reached the age of majority or you are under the age of 18, do not use or provide any information on or through this Site.


RunSwitch PR collects personal information and non-personal information. RunSwitch PR collects information that may personally identify you, such as your name, email address, phone number, and other information that permits RunSwitch PR to contact you. For purposes of this Privacy Policy, personal information includes information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could be reasonably linked to you.  RunSwitch PR collects some information that is about you individually, but does not identify you, and collects information about your internet connection, your device used to access the Site, and your use of the Site. If RunSwitch PR combines that information with personal information, it will treat it as personal information.


RunSwitch PR collects information from and about you directly when you provide such information to RunSwitch PR and automatically when you use the Site.

  • Information You Provide. RunSwitch PR collects information you provide when you make inquiries using the “contact” form or otherwise correspond with RunSwitch PR. The information collected may include anything submitted by you to the Site and may include copies of the correspondence.

  • Information Collected Automatically. When you visit or otherwise use the Site, RunSwitch PR collects details about your access and use of the Site automatically through cookies, pixels, and other technology, including details about your device, internet connection, operating system, browser type, browsing actions, time spent on the Site or particular pages, the resources that you access and use on the Site, other traffic data, and, location data. The information RunSwitch PR collects automatically may include personal information or RunSwitch PR may associate it with personal information it collects in other ways or receives from third parties. If RunSwitch PR associates such data with personal information, RunSwitch PR will treat it as personal information, but if such data is not associated with other personal information, RunSwitch PR will treat it as non-personal information.                 


RunSwitch PR may use the following technologies to collect data as you visit the Site. To learn more about RunSwitch PR’s use of cookies, other tracking technologies, and your choices, please see RunSwitch PR’s Cookie Policy.

  • Browser Cookies. Browser cookies are small files placed on your device. You may refuse to accept browser cookies by activating the appropriate setting on your browser. However, if you select this setting, you may be unable to access or use certain parts of the Site. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse browser cookies, RunSwitch PR’s system will issue browser cookies when you direct the browser to the Site. Below is a chart showing the cookies that RunSwitch PR currently uses on the Site:

Flash CookiesFlash cookies are local stored objects that collect and store information about your preferences and navigation to, from, and on the Site. Flash cookies are not managed by the same browser settings that are used for browser cookies.

  • Web Beacons/Pixels. Web beacons or pixels are small electronic files that allow RunSwitch PR to count users who have visited the page or opened an email, or measure other statistics.

  • Use of Tracking Technologies by Third Parties. We may allow others to provide analytics services and serve advertisements and other relevant content to you on our behalf across the web and in mobile applications. Advertisers and third parties also may collect information about your activity on the Site, on devices associated with you, and on third-party sites and applications used by you using tracking technologies. Tracking data collected by these advertisers and third parties may be used to decide which ads you see on the Site and on third-party sites and applications. You may encounter cookies, web beacons, pixels, or other similar technologies from third parties who also collect information about your online activities, either on the Site or across the web for the purposes described above or for the purpose of remarketing, retargeting, delivering online ads, or tracking user behavior.


RunSwitch PR uses information that you provide and/or that RunSwitch PR collects to present the Site to you, improve the Site, deliver services to you, to provide you with information or services that you request from RunSwitch PR, to fulfill any other purpose for which you provide such information, for other business purposes, in any other way RunSwitch PR  may describe when you provide the information, and for any other purpose with your consent. The way RunSwitch PR uses such information is described in more detail in the chart below. RunSwitch PR may aggregate the information you provide or that RunSwitch PR collects from you with information collected from other users to allow RunSwitch PR to evaluate its services, identify usage trends, determine the effectiveness of its promotional campaigns, evaluate and improve its website and services, and marketing, as well as your experience. RunSwitch PR may use the information it collects to contact you about RunSwitch PR’s services that may interest you; and, if required by law, we will obtain your approval to do so. If you do not want RunSwitch PR to use your information this way, please see Section 7 below.

Why RunSwitch PR processes your information

  • To respond to your request, to provide you with the information or services requested, to fulfill the purpose for which you provide the information.

    • Performance of a contract

    • Your consent

  • To personalize and improve your experience with the Site

    • Legitimate interest

  • To ensure technical functionality and proper operation of the Site

    • Legitimate interest

  • To improve our services and develop new services

    • Legitimate interest

  • To communicate with you for services-related purposes, such as regarding support issues and customer service inquiries

    • Performance of a contract

    • Legitimate interest

    • Consent

  • To communicate with you, for the following purposes: to respond to a request, marketing, research, or other promotional purposes, via email, notifications or other messages, consistent with any permissions you may have communicated to us

    • Consent

    • Legitimate Interest

  • To comply with our legal obligations

    • Legitimate Interest

  • To carry out our obligations and enforce our rights

    • Legitimate Interest

    • Contract

  • In any other way described when the information is collected

    • Legitimate interest

    • Consent


  • General. RunSwitch PR may disclose aggregated information about its users and information that does not identify any individual without restriction. RunSwitch PR may disclose personal information that it collects or you provide as described in this Privacy Policy, to RunSwitch PR’s affiliates, contractors, distributors, or service providers, and other third parties RunSwitch PR uses to support its business; to a purchaser or successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of RunSwitch PR’s assets; to fulfill the purpose for which you provided the personal information; for any other purpose when you consent to such disclosure at the time you provide the information. RunSwitch PR may also disclose your personal information to comply with any court order, law, or legal process, including to respond to any government or regulatory request, to enforce RunSwitch PR’s terms of use and other agreements, and if RunSwitch PR believes disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of RunSwitch PR, its customers, or others.

  • No Disclosure for Third Party Direct Marketing. RunSwitch PR does not share personal information it receives or collects from you with third parties for their direct marketing purposes (to market their own goods or services directly to you) and will not do so in the future unless you have first consented and then only unless or until you withdraw your consent.

  • Google Analytics and Google Analytics Advertising. The Site uses Google Analytics. Google Analytics assists RunSwitch PR with collecting and monitoring data about traffic to the Site. Google Analytics collects visitation information via Google advertising cookies and identifiers. You can learn how Google collects and processes data by visiting the following website: If you would like to opt-out of the collection of data by Google Analytics, visit For information about how to opt out of Google Marketing Platform’s use of cookies, visit  For more information about targeting and advertising cookies and how to opt out of those, visit This Site also uses Google Analytics Advertising, including Google Demographics and Interest Reporting, Google Display and Search Remarketing, and Google Display Impression Reporting. Google Analytics Remarketing uses cookies to track users who visit the Site and display ads when users are on other websites. If you would like opt-out of the Google Analytics Advertising Features, you can adjust your Ad Settings and Ad Settings for mobile apps. For information on how to adjust your Ad Settings, visit the following website: For more information about Google Analytics’ currently available opt-outs, visit the following website:

  • Third Party Analytics. RunSwitch PR may also engage other third party service providers such as Google Ads to assist with collecting and monitoring data about traffic to the Site, as well as to display ads to users when users are on other websites. These third parties may use cookies and other tracking technologies, as discussed above. You have the ability to opt-out of the collection or use of your data for remarketing, retargeting, online behavioral advertising, and interest-based advertising. You may do so by visiting the following websites: or


You have some choices about how personal information you provide to us or that we collect is used.

  • Do Not Track. RunSwitch PR’s Site does not respond to web browser Do Not Track (DNT) signals.

  • Tracking Technologies. You may set your browser to refuse some or all browser cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. To learn how to manage Flash cookie settings, visit the Flash player settings page on Adobe’s website. If you disable or refuse cookies, please note that parts of the Site may not be accessible or may not function properly.

  • Updating Information. You may contact RunSwitch PR at the contact information set forth below to request access to, correct, or delete certain personal information that you have provided to RunSwitch PR. RunSwitch PR may not accommodate a request to change information if RunSwitch PR believes the change would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the information to be incorrect.


If you reside in the European Economic Area (the “EEA”), the following provisions apply to you:

  • Access. You may request access to your personal information and the following information regarding our use of it: (i) purpose of the use, (ii) categories of personal information used, and (iii) to whom we have disclosed your personal information.

  • Correction. You may request that RunSwitch PR correct any inaccurate personal information we have.

  • Right to Be Forgotten. You may request that RunSwitch PR erase your personal information when RunSwitch PR no longer needs such data.

  • Withdraw Consent. If RunSwitch PR’s ability to use your personal information depends on consent you have given, you may withdraw such consent.

  • Restriction. You may request that RunSwitch PR restrict (or suspend) use of your personal information.

  • Object. You may object to RunSwitch PR’s use of your personal information to perform services you have not requested.

  • Copies and Portability. You may request copies of your personal information that RunSwitch PR possesses in a structured, commonly used, and machine readable format and you may request that this be transmitted to another controller.

  • Complaint. You may lodge a complaint with the supervising authority of your country.                             


RunSwitch PR stores your personal information in the United States. The privacy protections in the United States may not be the same as in your home country. If you are located in a country outside the U.S. and submit personal information to RunSwitch PR, you consent to the general use and disclosure of such information as provided in this Privacy Policy and to the transfer and/or storage of that information to the U.S.


  • Data Retention. RunSwitch PR may store your personal information as long as you use RunSwitch PR’s services and/or request RunSwitch PR’s services in order to provide you with such services and for a legitimate business purposes. RunSwitch PR may store your personal information to the extent required to comply with RunSwitch PR’s legal, accounting, and/or reporting requirements and to provide information about RunSwitch PR’s services that you may request. Additionally, RunSwitch PR may continue to store your personal information contained in standard backups. Upon your request, RunSwitch PR will delete or de-identify your personal information unless RunSwitch PR is legally required or allowed to maintain such personal information.

  • Data Security. RunSwitch PR has implemented some measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. RunSwitch PR cannot guarantee the security of your personal information transmitted to or through the Site. Any transmission of personal information is at your own risk. RunSwitch PR is not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained in the Site.


Changes to the Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. If RunSwitch PR  makes material changes to the way it treats users personal information, it may choose notify you by email or through a notice in addition to posting. The date the Privacy Policy was last revised appears at the top of the Privacy Policy. You are responsible for ensuring RunSwitch PR  has a current email address for you and for periodically visiting the Site and the Privacy Policy to check for any changes.


The Site is not for children. RunSwitch PR does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 18 through the Site. If RunSwitch PR learns that it has collected or received such information, it will delete that information. If you believe we might have information from or about a child under the age of 18, please let us know by contacting us using the information set forth in Section 13.


If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy and RunSwitch PR’s privacy practices, please contact RunSwitch PR at:

9300 Shelbyville Rd #1005
Louisville, KY 40222

Phone: 502-365-9917


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